Shannon Industrial Park can be a strategic hub for growth with convenient, cost-effective outreach to destinations from the center of the continental United States. Sites available from five to eighty acres. Build-to-suit options can be provided.
Shannon Industrial Park is a 120-acre tract located three miles west of Atchison and just 45 minutes from the Kansas City metropolitan area. It is part of the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor. Initially developed by the non-profit Atchison Area Economic Development Corporation, the park is annexed into the city limits and surrounded by agricultural land. It is zoned for industry and is part of the Neighborhood Revitalization tax rebate program.
Property and Facility
The park's paved and lighted streets are 24-feet wide with eight-foot-wide rock shoulders and adequate radius turns for semi traffic. The entrance to the park has a deceleration lane off U.S. Highway 73.
In 2016, an additional 80 acres was zoned I-2, which brings the total available acres for industrial development in the park to about 120.
In the spring of 2018, Shannon Industrial Park was outfitted with 1 GB/sec upload and 1 GB/sec download fiber internet service through Rainbow Communications.
- U.S. 73: runs adjacent to the southern perimeter of Shannon Industrial Park and connects with U.S. 59/K4 four miles east of the park
- 286th Rd.: extends east and west north of the park
- Interstate 29: located 30 minutes to the east
- Interstate 70, Interstate 35, Interstate 435 and Interstate 635: each located less than one hour away
The Union Pacific Railroad runs along the north edge of the park. A rail spur is positioned at the point of entry at the northwest corner. Northwest Pipe Company has extended the track into their tract of land. Union Pacific runs daily on this main line, north and south.
Private barge dock and facilities are located approximately eight miles away on the western bank of the Missouri River.
Kansas City International Airport is located 40 miles southeast of Shannon Industrial Park. Atchison's municipal Amelia Earhart Airport is three miles east of the park and has a 3,000-foot paved runway, fuel and full-service mechanic. The City of Atchison has approved plans to extend the length of the runway up to 5,000 feet. Additionally, the Park is in close proximity to municipal airports in the Kansas City metropolitan area and outlying region, including Rosecrans Memorial Airport, which is located just 20 miles away in St. Joseph, Missouri.